Case study | Spectrum Consulting

A Medical Practice In Australasia Discovers Substantial Cost-Saving With Business Process Outsourcing

Candid chat kicks-off the project

The business owner wondered if he could get his processes outsourced for savings and gains in competitive advantage.

He was initially hesitant. He lacked confidence in the infrastructure and doubted the ability of people in India to handle such work.

Spectrum invests 6 months with the business owner

Setting up the connectivity into the client's systems took almost a month.

Thereafter, the Owner and Spectrum worked on basic training on their processes.

The verdict: Outsourcing was doable.

Get staff buy-in

We had to win over the staff with help from the owner.

The project would not take off without their support.

The business owner introduced his key staff and asked that they train alongside us.

After a little practice, the staff agreed that work could be done remotely. The process so far took six months.

We're going to find out whether ordinary workers are able to handle the task.

We trained the staff for six months and brought them up to speed.

The project started delivering value to the client.

Outsourcing grows from 3 to 20 people in 3 years

The BPO services included: Receive calls from patients and schedule appointments. Identify dues from various government departments. Handle Staff Rosters. Link scanned documents to patient records. Transfer records out when patients leave. And many more.

The Client’s team is identifying newer processes that can be transfromed out of India.

The Business Process Outsourcing Project contributes substantially to the bottom line of our client’s business.

What Spectrum learned as part of this project

In this entire process of over 3 years we at Spectrum also learnt a lot.

We used this experience to fine-tune and create a water-tight, fail-safe process. 

Explore The Opportunity Today

Business process outsourcing does not take off because business owners are hesitant.

That’s why we have a 4-part FREE Consulting, without any obligation. You can use this to explore the processes that can be transformed.

You have the opportunity to conduct a small pilot, satisfy yourself with the savings and other advantages before you decide to scale.