
FAQs: Business Fit & Customers

  • How do I know if Spectrum Consulting is a good fit for my business?
    1. If you are a Small/Medium sized business with more than 20 employees, Spectrum should be able to add value to your business.

      Our FREE, no-obligation initial consultation, of value US $300, will help us identify and demonstrate the value we can add.
    2. If we feel that we will not be able to add value to your business, we will honestly say so and point you to where you can get value.
  • Are there any restrictions on the type of business or industry I operate in?

    No, we work with any small business with 20-200 employees which wishes to explore business process outsourcing for competitive gains.

    Any business process that

    1. Done on/ using a computer 
    2. Can be broken into precise steps
    3. Others can be easily trained on
    4. Can be learned 

    We work with services such as Admin, Finance and Legal which are internal to your small business.

  • What type of businesses does Spectrum Consulting work with?

    Spectrum Consulting will gladly work with any SME. The usual size of companies is 20 to 200 employees.

    The minimum requirements are: 

    1. Open to business process outsourcing
    2. Happy to invest time to make it work for you
    3. A commitment of a minimum of 2 resources
  • How many clients do you have and where are they located?

    We currently have a client located in Australasia.

    We started with 3 FTEs and are now providing them with 20 FTEs.

    This will increase in the near future.